About Me
My name is Angela Aird i am a self taught photographer.
I have lived in Portsmouth UK all my life.
I became interested in photography quite late, in my 40s.
I started with a little point and shoot camera then progressed to a bridge camera, using the bridge camera gave me a passion for photography and after a couple of years i brought my first DSLR a Canon 600D camera.
Eventually i realised i should really learn about all the different settings and lenses available, so after teaching myself through Youtube, books and magazines, i eventually taught myself to get out of the auto button.
I now shoot with a top of the range Olympus EM1 MK3 along with lens varying from:
60mm Macro Lens
I love to photograph most things but my passion at the moment would be wildlife especially birds.
The images on this web-site are just a few of the 1000’s i have for sale, if you are interested in any image please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for looking
Angela Aird